Sunday, November 28, 2010
Hillbuzz: Trowel Dissection 101

Saturday, November 27, 2010
My Reality's Better! A Peaceful Delusion For The Season

Kim Jong-il, having gotten all the negative attention the dictator of a tenth-rate nuclear power could wish for, agrees to cease trading insults and ICBMs with the South, and accepts the Obama Administration's offer of fruit baskets for everybody, and an invitation to show Pulgasari, his home-made-with-the-help-of-the famous-director-and-his-wife-whom-he-kidnapped, monster movie at the WH.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Happy Hillidaze! Requiem For A Real Turkey

Amazing. He has time to put up eight posts by two PM, despite his exhausting schedule of nonstop altruism. No matter how done he is, he still keeps gobbling!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
The Sliming, Part Deux:Flim-Flam Dujan Repeats His False Charges
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Dancing The Electric BugZapALoo

Let us use Tesla's Power for Good!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Hillbuzz: Ask Not For Whom The Bull Trolls

Seeing the world through troll-colored glasses
To Kevin Dujan, the World's Crappiest Cult Leader, All the World's a Troll. Take his easy online Troll Recognition Course, available for only a few easy payments, and learn how the slightest dissent turns anyone, even a long-term supporter, into a troll! (worst crime: "Kevin, could you maybe edit this a little?") Watch as Bev The Enforcer drop-kicks discussions into the next time-zone ("This is trolling, and has to end NOW!") and thrill as hapless regulars try to absorb Harvey Bilk's rampant paranoia in instructional form:
November 17, 2010 at 1:29 pm
Have you thought about setting up a paypal account (or something similar) for donations? I’d give in a heartbeat.

Brought to you as always by Mrs. Polly of Snarkopolitan, the undead blog, jolted to life by this very same Harvey Bilk, and serving the I Can't Believe I Was Hillbuzzed! Community since about yesterday this time. Hello, Recoverees!
Monday, November 8, 2010
Hillbuzz USO Post, or, What Have You Done To Attack A War Widow Today?

SAD SAX--no futuristic dystopia is complete without him!
It is shameful you invoke God whenever it’s time to judge others but you love sitting on that butt of yours drinking your Pepsi instead of helping people who need it at the holidays."
That was bracing, wasn't it! It certainly frosted Dujan's new Rush-referred audience, as well as some of his regular Sarah Palinophiliacs. Dujan went on, ludicrously (and, as it was a Saturday night, perhaps drunkenly), to insist on his Rev. Moon-like edict, no matter what the real-life situations of his readers, posting simply, "What have you done for the USO?" and "Please elucidate" in answer to offended readers, including the widow of a soldier:
November 7, 2010 at 2:11 am
USO is not organization which receives my family’s charitable time or charitable donations. My former husband already gave the ultimate sacrifice to the military and to the country. I think our family’s contributions to the government and to the military are marked paid in full.
November 7, 2010 at 2:37 amWhat do you do for the USO?
If nothing, please explain why you can’t find one day a week to support our troops.
Am dying to hear why you are too busy or important to volunteer.
Please explain
November 7, 2010 at 8:29 am
I think that you missed the part where she is a widow of a soldier KIA.
November 7, 2010 at 2:47 amWhy haven’t you listed what you do instead of volunteering for the USO at the holidays?
I am waiting.
I have not had a drink since Pride in June, honey.
You want to call me drunk for calling out conservative laziness. So be it.
Still want to know why you sit on your butt all day when there is stuff to be done.
How about answering that instead of insulting me?
November 7, 2010 at 8:15 pm
This whole “it was a hacker” theory has lost it’s credibility as the day wears on and Hillbuzz posts other posts. I’ll give Kevin a hissy fit, but he needs to at the very least acknowledge that it was a hissy fit, and apologize to the posters where he needs to apologize. Just calling Kevin or Hillbuzz out on something does not make someone a troll. And just because it may not have bothered you doesn’t mean that you get to tell us how to feel about it – you can feel like it was about absolutely nothing, but I was irritated by the post and I have a very high tolerance rate for that kind of stuff. I can blow it off after initially being steamed but others may not be able to, and I understand that.
November 8, 2010 at 2:38 am
Hurt fee fees vs troops who are risking their lives.
I don’t have the ‘holier-than-thou attitude’ and ‘you deserved it’ mantra. I noted the difference that conservatives here take when the snark is pointed at them and rather than liberals. Like it or not. If you can dish it out but you can’t take it…that is hypocritical.
Also the indignation started before the lady with the ‘former husband’ who gave the ‘ultimate sacrifice’ posted. She didn’t really call herself a ‘fallen soldier’s widow’ but when looking at the time stamps. It looks like HillBuzz went down the list of whiners and posted the same basic question.
“What have you done for the troops?”
Like it or not that isn’t an offensive question to ask a military widow even if he saw that she was one.
If anything it honors her husband by a stranger thinking of the troops. Of all the vets I know, the bonding experienced in war and to the soldiers who are still alive, run deep. Without fail they want the men who have passed and are still alive to be appreciated….even if they never served together.
You can still pretend hurt fee fees are more important than appreciating the troops. But I can’t and won’t….military families know the deal. Chances are high your beloved father, husband, son, wife, daughter might not come home during war.
The argument still stands even with the victim card thrown by you. Donating time to troops vs hurt fee fees over a post…ugh…makes my stomach turn it is so lame.
So, finally, we have arrived. Enough with the posturing: to "Karma," and the real true Buzzdolts, Harvey the BlunderGnome is completely justified attacking the fallen soldier's wife; she's playing the victim card!
Playing the victim card brings us to Dujan's original post, which remains deeply offensive for all sorts of reasons not observed by the wounded conservatives:
First, if anybody is so suggestible as to take Dujan's tone of aggrieved martyrdom seriously, then that person would have to conclude that helping people with AIDS is unrelievedly awful. What a disservice to AIDs volunteerism that would be; fortunately, most sensible people will question the veracity of many parts of Dujan's, as usual, unsubstantiated tale of persecution, this time by his "clients:" people with AIDS who hate him for no good reason at all!
Those who have actually done the work will know that terribly ill people have their ups and downs, but if the PWAs receiving the tender care of Kevin Dujan universally hate him, something else is happening besides jealousy of his health (nobody could envy his mental health, for instance).
Ingrates! Those terribly ill PWAs are always mean to poor Harvey! And he feeds the homeless, too, even though:
How odd that my experience feeding the homeless (goodwill-purchased bread machine, many homeless men and women enjoying happy still-warm loaves and East Village cheese store bargains--it's still open, btw, go and buy wonderful cheese!--) was heartwarming and restorative to all of us. I feel selfish for enjoying it so much, instead of suffering as Harvey Bilk does when he does something good. Once a year.
It would be hilarious if it weren't so horrid. Richard Dawkins himself would pray for the day of judgement just so the shade of the husband whose wife Harvey and his buzzing ghouls insulted could rise up and stare these grotesques down as devils drag them into perdition.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Hillbuzz Open Threat-Note To Hillbuzzers: Oh Yes, That's Him Alright!

Even the ever-suppurating neurons of Harvey Bilk must occasionally take an hour off from generating accusations of slander and bathetic jingoistic buffoonery!