Actual, if blinged-out, screencap, just like all the other actual screencaps!
NOW do you believe me? In the previous post, a commenter was incredulous that the proprietor of Shillbuzz, Harvey Bilk, could be so remarkably pea-brained as to think that Air Force One could survive a "direct nuclear blast" (Harvey's words, my hand to God).
Harvey was merely parroting the wingnut line that Obama
deliberately snubbed Poland by not taking the Rolls-Royce engines of Air-Force One through a volcanic dust cloud to the funeral for the Polish president (secret shorter wingnut: oh, why did it have to be POLAND!), because Harvey is all about upholding the dignity of ethnic minorities, particularly the plentiful, Dem-voting ones in Shillbuzz's current crash-pad, Chicago.
But there was a time when Harvey was less concerned with the Polish community, a time not very long ago, in fact, just this last
Paczki Day, which as it happens is the last Tuesday or Thursday before Lent. The Poles' version of a pre-Lenten blowout involves consuming the eponymous Paczki, which are delightful little jam-bloated fried cakes.
Some of us go for feather masks and demeaning ourselves for beads on balconies, and some of us go for jam-bloated fried cakes, and far be it from me to cast aspersions on either camp. But Harvey Bilk worked himself up into a purplish-green lather over Paczki Day, because he's A-MURRICAN! HE celebrates Mardi-Gras, not some damn old European thingie from tradition-riddled stupid old
Europe. He even
took it out on the paczki, acidly referring to them as "jelly donuts," as if
that were a bad thing.
Friends, Poles, Cajun-Americans, I ask you:
what sort of a man attacks a people's donuts (sic)?Harvey's anti-Polish Donut Rant above is still available, I think, for a while, at his website, until he tumbles to the amount of pointing and laughing he's getting (there's your bump in traffic, Harvey!) at how spectacularly silly and floridly insane he is. Then, the Polish Donut Rant will join some of his other fine work (including the much-missed Inflounce Post, July 2009, which would have embarrassed Aimee Semple McPherson) in the recycle bin of Intertubal history.
brought to you by Mrs. Polly of Snarkopolitan, the undead blog, thanks to the defibrillator paddles of this same Harvey Bilk, and somewhat behind schedule as usual, since, unlike "events coordinator" Harvey, Mrs. Polly works!