(Shillbuzz graphic courtesy Fundraising Ideas Center, with Blinged-out alterations by Mrs. Polly)
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Moving over to the new site, on our own dedicated servers, is the biggest and most expensive project we have ever tackled. There’s nearly 100MB of data archived in the three years since HB began. If you have been a fan of what we do in the past and look forward to what the new site can accomplish, anything you could chip in towards defraying the costs of the move is appreciated. If reading our content has been worth $5 or $10 to you, now is the time when your help make us better than we ever could have been stuck here on WordPress.
If you like what we do here on WordPress, and you read us every day, please consider chipping in to help us save towards getting a new site on a dedicated server where we can then be ad-supported in the future and wouldn’t have to ask for help to fund our political activities. Right now, this is all coming out of pocket for us, and we just never can save up enough to get a new site off the ground. (Collected 11/17/10)

DonateDonateDonate--we sank our LITERALLY last penny into political pyromania!
We literally put every cent we had into the ground game for this midterm election. Additionally, we gave up much-needed freelance gigs so we could be out canvassing, writing articles for this site, and giving free strategic advice to conservatives coast to coast on how to stop the Left and start burning the Democrat Party to the ground.
Consider us the match (collected Nov. 2, 2010)
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This is the homestretch of the 2010 election. We’re putting everything we’ve got into a nonstop, on-the-ground push here in Chicago…against stalwart Obama allies who are vulnerable for the first time in their careers. We’re also ginning up ground opposition to Rahm Emanuel’s Mayoral bid, and will start that effort in earnest November 3rd.
If you like what we do, chip in for the resources we need to creatively take those punches at Democrats that Republicans, for whatever reason, just won’t take on their own. (collected 10/29/10)
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From now until Election Day, we are pooling everything we have for an all-out effort to take down Jan Schakowsky here in Chicago. She is currently only leading her opponent Joel Pollak by 18 points, instead of the 40-something she normally leads in re-election bids. Schakowsky is a terrible Congress critter, and is married to convicted felon Robert Creamer, who wrote Obamacare in prison. She is vulnerable, and scare, and we’re committed to spending 6 hours a day, every day, from now until November 2nd to do all we can to take her down. Whatever you can throw our way will be added to what we’ve collected amongst ourselves to cover the printing of palm cards, gas and Zip cars to hit Schakowsky’s whole district, and everything else we need to make sure an independent effort is made to ask enough Schakowsky muscle-memory voters why they remain loyal to her so that they just sit home on Election Day and this awful person is booted from Congress.
This is the best chance EVER to defeat her…and if she goes down, a stauch Obama accomplice, it will reverberate through the halls of the DNC like nothing else. (Collected October 22, 2010)

Dujan was just exhausted from canvassing by Election Day, but not too exhausted to post the usual quarter mile of verbiage, none of it describing any experiences (unlike his Halloween posts) he had, or whom he met, or how many palm cards he printed up with the money he begged for! Nor did he include any images of palm cards, or indicate any content, etc. Why, it's almost as if none of it ever......
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September 17, 2010
Help us cover what the JournoLists won’t
Posted by hillbuzz under Uncategorized
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If you like what you read here, we’d appreciate any support you can give…it helps us get to political events and do the things that keep the stories flowing. It also helps us continue towards the day when we can have a new ad-supported site that willtake a massive burden off us and fund many HillBuzz adventures in the future. (Collected Sept 17th, 2010, a day where Hillbuzz curiously did not mention Des Moines, or the Reagan Dinner (see below). Hope the Hillbuzzers didn't fall for that one!)

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We don’t have a lot of time to pull this together, but we’re going to try to head over to Des Moines, Iowa on September 17th to cover Governor Sarah Palin’s appearances there…culminating in the Reagan Dinner that night. Apparently, the Governor will be doing several events in Iowa on the 17th, and we’d like to be on the ground to take it all in…and report back here to you on it. (collected Sept 7, 2010)
We’ve actually been through a few rounds of this already, where we’ve worked with people who said they were going to help us get off WordPress and onto a new site of our own, with better ability to do what we want to do, but then for whatever reason things fall apart. ("whatever" is working harder here than an Alabama chain-gang in August-ed.)
It’s almost always been a funding issue, with the expense of doing the things we need to have done in terms of backup protection and server space and bandwidth usage being prohibitively high — especially when we weigh those costs against doing things we think are more important, like going to various political events and getting more items to write about. (sadly, Mr. Dujan seems not to have shown up at any of the events for which he begged traveling funds, except the Glenn Beck rally, where he alone showed up despite begging money for his imaginary friends to come along, and about which none of "them" posted any recaps, despite promising to. In fact, he didn't even show at the Chicago Conservatives 4 Palin meet-up, which would have cost him nothing but a little time.)
(collected aug 14, 2010)
Where has Kevin been? Most of the posts over there these days are by "Bridget". Methinks maybe he's given up.
ReplyDeleteAnd Bridget doesn't seem to have what it takes to pick up the slack. Why, Kevin could have turned out 3,000 words on how the Obamas dress their children funny and given Sarah Palin a tongue bath in the time it takes Bridget to call a Wisconsin teacher a union thug.
ReplyDeleteDidn't Jan Schakowsky wipe the floor with Joel Pollak? Maybe Kevin should give out refunds.
As far as examples of Hill-begging are concerned, asking for bucks to take Panda, Joaquin and the rest of his imaginary friends to the Glenn Beck rally was a classic, true.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite, though, is still the time he wanted help to travel from Chicago to Wilmington, IL to meet Sarah Palin -- a grand distance of 58 miles.
But what has struck me is how many times the suggestion of a donation used to come from a Hillbuzz commenter. In the halcyon days of Hillbuzz, Kevin often didn't have to ask -- just drop a few piteous complaints about how his conscience and/or mean lefty bloggers were driving his clients away, and the comments would be awash with cries of "You boyz are so noble! I'm donating to you now!" And they didn't all seem to come from I.M.A. Sockpuppet either. People really seemed to fall over themselves to help him out with a few bucks.
Not so much now, I don't suppose. You can only go to the well so often before it runs dry.
Good lord, Mary, fifty-eight miles? That would be enormously funny if I didn't know that some of the now-fled Hillbuzzers donated hundreds of dollars to him at a time--ouch!
ReplyDeleteOn one of the escapee blogs, a commenter said that she'd hidden from her husband how much money she'd given Kevin.
We can't know how much success the Duj is having squeezing his followers; the cartoon thermometer is no indicator. Times are hard, and all the begging has been done to death, but every time his well has run dry, he's just found another well.
I hope nobody else is putting the family reserves into his moist little open palm.
@anonymous: Bridget is now getting the scutwork that used to fall to Chrissy. Amazing how fast the transition is from new co-blogger to carrying the blog almost single-handedly!
The funniest thing about the bleg for the Wilmington trip is that apparently someone did fund it -- according to Kevin anyway. I find I automatically distrust anything he says, maybe it's just me.
ReplyDeleteSo that's the new site, huh? I notice that despite Kevin's claim that it will be self-supported by ads, there's a Donate to Hillbuzz button prominently displayed.
And that "100 megabytes" reminded me of Dr. Evil portentously announcing that he will hold the world hostage for One. Million. Dollars. Honestly, Kev -- why not pump it up to something more impressive? It's not like Panda is going to tell on you.
By the way, Mrs. Polly -- I'm sorry to hear that you've had problems with your health and I'm glad that they're resolved.
Welcome back, Mrs P! Missed your luscious levity, glad your health issues
ReplyDeleteare resolved. Re the Dudge's wrecked-all thermometer: for someone who boasts so boldly about being a conservative, he sure misses one of its core tenets, that one should be "self-supporting & not expect to survive on handouts." I think we may have here a cracked core situation here about to go into full meltdown!
Wow, a brilliant list of the begathons. Great find of the test site that Dujan is working so so hard on, it must have cost all of $50.
ReplyDeleteHope you are better.
PS The delightful Siskind has managed to sucker in Senator Gillibrand to a $250 per plate PUMAthon.