When Dujans Attack, Even Deleting Won't Help You! |
Kevin Dujan complaining about deleted comments is like Casey Anthony complaining about bad parenting. But even after the makers of "only@brunch", a video apparently meant to be shown at his local gay bar,
apologized and edited out an offensive remark he complained to them about, they are
still the latest targets of his undying wrath, which has stretched now to
five six posts and well over
8,000 10,000 words.
**UPDATE** And now includes harassing an anti-bullying charity started by famously pro-LGBT straight footballer, Ben Cohen, for the crime of having an upcoming fundraiser at the bar which showed this video two weeks ago.
Let's cut to the chase immediately: one of the participants in this video made an ill-advised comment about Trig Palin. To be specific, while discussing Michele Bachmann, one man giggled, "
She looks like Trig!" The other men around the table may or may not have heard the comment, which was neither responded to or elaborated on. They continued to talk about Bachmann before moving on to other subjects, and Trig was never brought up again.
That was the whole "attack" in its entirety. It was a mean thing to say, certainly, and stupid.