Kevin Dujan, AKA "Harvey Bilk," disappeared this thread, with no explanation or apology to the woman who lost her husband, or his other much-abused readers. But thanks to Googlecache, >> it lives on. <<
**UPDATE** No , it doesn't. Apparently Kevin is trying to do some cleaning up, waaaay too late. Even though he may have gotten Google to dump it, too many people have seen it in situ, and can confirm that the below is indeed the USO thread.
The post, and the entire thread, is below (Some very late comments might have appeared after I saved it, but I don't know of any). There are 156 comments showing varying degrees of horror, anger, delusion, and cult-like loyalty ("but how do we know she's a widow?). Get a cup of tea and settle in, especially you psychology majors.
*** ** *** ** *** **
You are not going to like to hear this directly but it is so very true: conservatives live in these dream worlds where they think “someone else” will do all the things that need to get done, because they “have jobs and families and are busy”.
Little Susie Sunshine has ballet recitals.
Her brother Billy has hockey.
Someone has to go to Costco or Home Depot for some new crap.
Busy, busy, busy.
Horse pucky.
Listen, I have spent every Christmas and Thanksgiving somewhere terrible for as long as I can remember. The Southside. Pilsen. Cleaning bathrooms of people dying from AIDS. Merry merry, Mary.
I do it because no one else wants to but this s### needs to get done. Or cleaned up, as the case may be.
Conservatives need to start telling little Susie and Billy they have to miss ballet and hockey ONE DAMN DAY in November and December. There will be plenty of crap for you to buy at Costco the next day, I swear.
It is shameful you invoke God whenever it’s time to judge others but you love sitting on that butt of yours drinking your Pepsi instead of helping people who need it at the holidays.
So get off that butt for maybe the first time ever and volunteer for the USO this and next month. One day each month. Bring Susie and Billy so they learn something.
I am not asking you to feed the homeless – I do that, and it is scary and terrible.
I am not asking you to bring meals to AIDS shut-ins and clean their apartments on holidays – I do that too, it is NOT fun, and the people I do this for are always mean to me and resent me for being healthy.
I have got the worst assignments covered and I am signed up for as long as I live because somebody has to do it and last time I checked I am somebody. So I do it.
The USO is amazing.
You get to serve our troops.
You meet men and women in uniform.
You get off that butt of yours and stop making your usual lame excuses and blaming your kids for your laziness and give something back to your country during Thanksgiving and Christmas.
If you do not know the name of the USO coordinator in your area and have him or her on speed dial in your phone, shame on you.
Google it. Remedy this. Tell that person you want to volunteer one day in November and December to thank our fighting men and women for their service.
I guarantee it will be one of the greatest things you have ever done.
If I can spend my Thanksgiving on the Southside and my Christmas cleaning toilets for people who hate me, your little butt can be sorting green beans or dishing up turkey for the USO.
Go ahead and tell me I am wrong and explain why someone else besides you should do this.
Don’t you dare let some troublemaking little fag in Boystown do more for our military this Thanksgiving and Christmas than you do, Mr. or Ms. Conservative.
Buzz this:
Press This
Ads by Google
Official USO Website
Help the USO Bring a Touch of Home to Our Troops. Take Action Now!
hxbuff Says:
November 6, 2010 at 10:58 pm
Working with the troops is rewarding. I work for a company that provides dental care to National Guard getting ready to deploy (they also have to do medical, legal, financial, etc.). I do get paid, but that has really become secondary. The men and women are just great and I would probably do it for free.
I also volunteer with religious ministry to inmates in a local jail. Every week I come out absolutely uplifted. I know the feeling you get, Kevin. You are the face of Christ to these people. You can’t explain it to people who haven’t experienced it.
WannaCruize Says:
November 7, 2010 at 3:06 pm
I’m waiting, along with many others to find out if Hillbuzz has been hacked. This thread bears NO resemblance at all to the usual give and take among the various contributors here.
New readers should not take comments here to be a representative sample of the awesomeness that is HB.
Standing by, keeping my powder dry…
April Says:
November 6, 2010 at 10:58 pm
Thank you so much for this post today! The last time that you wrote about volunteering for the USO, it prompted me to find out if Vegas even had one! I discovered that it did not but that people were working on getting one.
I forgot about it until I read this post. I just did some searching and found out that Vegas is set to open it’s USO on Veteran’s Day! How cool is that!? And, I’ll be at the airport dropping my parents off that day so I have no excuse not to stop by and check it out.
I am so excited for the troops coming through Las Vegas. I remember how much the services and volunteers at the USO meant to me and my hubby when we traveled while in the military.
Thanks again for the kick in the pants :-)
Libby Says:
November 6, 2010 at 11:40 pm
I live in Henderson and I’d love to help! Please let me know what you find out!
April Says:
November 6, 2010 at 11:49 pm
Lol, so do I :-) This is where I found the latest info.!/USOLasVegas
I plan on stopping by on Thursday and getting more info on volunteering. I’d be happy to share info.
JoAnne Says:
November 6, 2010 at 11:04 pm
Careful with those assumptions about conservatives. There are many of us there doing our share of dirty work. We may not be where you are, but we’re there.
shelby68 Says:
November 6, 2010 at 11:19 pm
Thank you JoAnn!!! Using a large paintbrush to color is most ineffective
Hillbuzz Says:
November 7, 2010 at 1:43 am
What are you doing to help the USO?
Please list.
shelby68 Says:
November 7, 2010 at 2:11 am
USO is not organization which receives my family’s charitable time or charitable donations. My former husband already gave the ultimate sacrifice to the military and to the country. I think our family’s contributions to the government and to the military are marked paid in full.
Hillbuzz Says:
November 7, 2010 at 2:37 am
What do you do for the USO?
If nothing, please explain why you can’t find one day a week to support our troops.
Am dying to hear why you are too busy or important to volunteer.
Please explain
shelby68 Says:
November 7, 2010 at 4:19 am
Best of luck to you in your future endeavors
Bookworm 2 Says:
November 7, 2010 at 8:44 am
God Bless you and your husband +++
JkR Says:
November 7, 2010 at 8:29 am
I think that you missed the part where she is a widow of a soldier KIA.
longsufferingtribefan Says:
November 7, 2010 at 5:53 am
My condolences on the loss of your former husband.
I’m so sorry for your family’s loss.
~ Dana
JoAnne Says:
November 7, 2010 at 1:46 pm
What is your problem? The USO isn’t the only way to help. We are members of the 8th Air Force Historical Society. My husband lost his father over Germany in 1944, 11 days after he was born. He is a board member and helps with the history taking.
We donate to Wounded Warriors and to Move America Forward who gathers and distributes care packages to our soldiers. They are currently helping with the building of Fisher House which are places family can stay while their loved ones are hospitalized.
My husband has heart disease, prostate cancer and was just diagnosed with lymphoma. We have our hands full, thank you very much.
Good luck in your future endeavors – I’m out of here.
Juliette Says:
November 7, 2010 at 12:20 am
I learned that conservatives give more to charity than liberals. And I am quessing that most of those service men and women are also conservatives.
Hillbuzz Says:
November 7, 2010 at 1:47 am
What do you give to th USO Juliette?
Please answer.
Bev Says:
November 7, 2010 at 9:37 am
The military is overwhelmingly conservative. They are treated with much more respect with Republicans in charge…they are given 100% support…you would be hard pressed to find hard-left liberals in the military and if you do they are there for reasons other than fighting for and defending the country.
motley Says:
November 6, 2010 at 11:16 pm
“You are not going to like to hear this directly but it is so very true: conservatives live in these dream worlds where they think “someone else” will do all the things that need to get done, because they “have jobs and families and are busy”
Whoa! Where did THAT come from? I do NOT know ANY, and I mean ANY, concervative that does not put others first and feel/think they, “have jobs and families and are busy” so don’t get involved.
Maybe you don’t hear or see it because many Conservatives DO NOT talk about their “good deeds” and give without being impressed with themselves for doing so.
You boyz are first and foremost experts (as in experienced) in being Democrats; that is where the majority of your life has been spent. Feel free to make statements on why or if the Dems are “too busy” but don’t consider your intimate. two-year relationship with and as conservatives to be qualifiers for you to speak and advise in this area. (Actually since it is your site, you can feel free to say anything you want.)
Wow, this rubbed me the wrong way.
Some of this so-called insight of yours sounds like a “rich are scum” mantra of the Left. Or “capitalist are selfish, self-centered #$%^” I mean, after all, if Little Susy has a ballet or violin or soccer class, then of course there is no giving going on! Those things must go and the time be used for giving to those outside our own little worlds. It does not matter that on the day Little Susy had ballet family members helped an elderly repair their home, went shopping for a homebounder, tutored someone to read, listened to a complete stranger for forty-five minutes at Walmart, stopped to help a stranded motorist, gave one of your two pair of shoes to a shoeless man, gave half of your groceries for the week to someone else, helped someone locate a doctor, showed a stranger how to de-lice a head of hair… PLUS TOOK CARE OF EACH OTHER.
It is called multi-tasking. It is called taking care of your family, your neighbors, your community, your country.
And Conservatives do it, for the most part, rather well.
Something is off with this post.
I will go back and read the post a third time; maybe I am missing something. I do know, though, your intentions are good.
Hillbuzz Says:
November 6, 2010 at 11:25 pm
Excuse me…but can you list what you do in a volunteer capaity that gets you off your butt?
If you take such umbrage to being challenged on your laziness what have YOU done for the USO?
Answer, or do not post here again Ms. Umbridge.
motley Says:
November 6, 2010 at 11:55 pm
I have responded, below, to your invitation in all CAPS. Your words are lowercase, mine CAPS:
Excuse me…but can you list what you do in a volunteer capaity that gets you off your butt?
If you take such umbrage to being challenged on your laziness what have YOU done for the USO?
Answer, or do not post here again Ms. Umbridge.
Pat P Says:
November 7, 2010 at 12:51 am
Thanks Motley. I took it the same way you did. It is good that you do so much, Kevin, but you have no idea what others do, and I can’t understand why you demand that they detail their good deeds.
Hillbuzz Says:
November 7, 2010 at 2:29 am
What do you do for the USO or any other charity?
Please list here.
shelby68 Says:
November 6, 2010 at 11:27 pm
Thank you for the post. You stated very well what I was thinking. Just because we aren’t running around patting ourselves on the back of how much we do for others, doesn’t mean it hasn’t and isn’t occurring. When you get to know true conservatives on a more intimiate level, you will find that it rare (very rare)that you will ever know all they do for their communities and others outside of their communities both in time volunteered as well as monies donated.
The lack of “bragging” or “announcing” their good deeds is rooted in their deep religious/spiritual faith that one does not do for others because of being recognized and rewarded for those deeds, but that is what is expected and required of us as Christians. And actually, it is a bit of a no-no in His eyes to conduct oneself in such a manner.
motley Says:
November 6, 2010 at 11:21 pm
OK. Went back and read again.
Here it is, Guyz.
It rubs most people the wrong way to be badgered into doing something. All those beat-em-up words could have been used talking up even more about the USO. There just is no need for the tearing down and inflicting guilt to promote something.
After the third read through, I was just as offended as the first time.
Hillbuzz Says:
November 7, 2010 at 1:51 am
What have you physically given to the USO or other charities?
Please answer truthfully.
Debra Says:
November 7, 2010 at 1:11 pm
Here’s something you need to realize, no one is better at guilting themselves into working like evangelicals. So your tone is not going to be well received with us.
Last month I spent 3 hours working at Harvesters discarding rotten fruit and veg from good veg, so that it could be given out to those in need.
Over the summer, I spent time cleaning my friends house who was pregnant with twins and couldn’t do it herself.
Next month I’m signed up to make sack lunches to be delivered to prostitutes on the street – in an effort to get them off the streets just because someone cares enough to do this.
I also serve almost every Sunday at my church in the children’s ministry, ministering to kids and families.
I spent last summer coaching T-Ball for my church – my kid isn’t old enough to play but I do it because I love kids and sports were an important part of my childhood, and I want to give that love to other kids. We talked about the “one anothers” of the Bible, and kids learned how we should treat others with love and respect.
If you hadn’t badgered us about our service, you never would have known these things about me. I don’t vocalize it, because I feel that it’s between me and God. I don’t need atta girls for doing it, I know that I’m doing what I’m supposed to and I don’t need approval for it.
However, because you have this conservative stereotype, I felt like I had to chime in.
Oh yeah, forgot, I give 10% to my church, who in turn gives to various charities. I’ve painted schools with my church, given food for food drives, recently donated candy to a free Trunk and Treat for the neighborhood, and am thinking of taking on an Angel Tree family for Christmas.
Yeah, there are conservatives that sit on their butts and don’t do anything – but there are just as many liberals that do. The difference I’ve seen is that liberals tend to blab on about their service, while conservatives do it quietly and humbly.
acapesket Says:
November 6, 2010 at 11:35 pm
Have been a Volunteer and a staunch conservative for many years.
We all know about the word “assume”.
Let’s just love each other and continue forward.
God Bless us all.
itsonlywords Says:
November 6, 2010 at 11:50 pm
Wow, this post is really offensive.
Hillbuzz Says:
November 7, 2010 at 2:31 am
What do you do for the USO or other charities?
Please list.
Chiara Says:
November 7, 2010 at 12:00 am
I appreciate what you said here in this post…I would just also appreciate if you would use the qualifier ‘some’ conservatives live in a dream world…just like ‘some liberals’ and ‘some independents’ live in that same dream world. I agree with you guys that not enough people get off their butts and serve others, but don’t think it is fair to lump all conservatives into that category. The majority of people I know who volunteer regularly are all conservatives who love their fellow man and their country, and don’t go around advertising their good deeds because they simply believe it is the right thing to do.
Hillbuzz Says:
November 7, 2010 at 2:34 am
What do you physically do for the USO or other charities?
Please list here.
If you sit on your butt, please tell us all why.
Ex-ExZonie Says:
November 7, 2010 at 12:10 am
I’m clutching the solid rock of this heartfelt request and letting the sand of the language sift harmlessly through my fingers. I know you mean well… I’m also sending an extra prayer your way just because you need it and for all you’ve done for us this last year. God bless you for helping your AIDS friends, that must be terribly tough.
I’ll look up the USO and see if they need help at the holidays. Great, great suggestion.
Hillbuzz Says:
November 7, 2010 at 2:41 am
What do you do for the USO or other charities?
please explain how you are too busy or important to call the USO to see how you are too IMPORTANT to volumteer ONE DAY A MONTH.
Ex-ExZonie Says:
November 7, 2010 at 11:58 am
Dude calm down! I’m on your side!
Ex-ExZonie Says:
November 7, 2010 at 12:17 am
Oh and the USO would be a great alternative to the horrible IAVA run by George Soros drones.
Hillbuzz Says:
November 7, 2010 at 3:08 am
What are YOU doing for the USO or other charities?
Please list specifics here.
liberty Says:
November 7, 2010 at 12:35 am
I am going to hope that you didn’t intend for this to come across as insulting and condescending as it has.
I am conservative and have volunteered with the USO here in Chicago for a decade. I have not met ANY liberals doing this… in fact I joke it’s where we conservatives all find each other!
I haven’t seen family for the last 10 years on thanksgiving because I spend that day with recruits and the USO.
I agree absolutely that volunteering with the USO is amazing and wonderful. However people who do it have to WANT to do it… not be guilted or bullied into it.
I agree the USO is a great organization (I have spent thousands of hours with them) but for those who don’t have a USO nearby you might want to look into volunteering at a local VA hospital.
One more point – there are often tons of extra volunteers now in the holiday season (I will actually do *less* volunteering now because of the overbooking). Good organizations need volunteers all year long. If you find an organization like the USO or the VA to work with please consider keeping on volunteering after the holidays.
Kelly C Says:
November 7, 2010 at 9:39 am
There is a great book, written by a liberal, called Who Really Cares. I saw him interviewed on TV, and he researched charitable giving and volunteering in the US. He started with the assumption that liberals would come out on top. He was shocked to discover that conservatives, especially those who go to church on a regular basis, came out on top. My experience reflects his findings. While conservatives may not have been as politically involved as liberals in the past, that is factually not the case with volunteering and charity.
desertliving Says:
November 7, 2010 at 12:27 pm
I read that same thing. When surveyed, it was found that liberals concentrate the bulk of their giving and volunteer work in the Arts. Nothing wrong with giving to the Arts, but their charitable work was almost nonexistent with any other organization. The author was dumbfounded by these findings. He really felt that liberals would walk their own talk and be out there taking care of their fellowman only to find out that wasn’t true.
Radegunda Says:
November 7, 2010 at 12:41 am
Some academics set out to research generosity in relation to politic party affiliation. What they learned is the opposite of what they expected:
Republicans/conservatives give more as a proportion of their income than Democrats do.
Republicans/conservatives volunteer more of their time than Democrats do.
And they do it without making it a publicity event. For example, it leaked out that GW and Laura Bush had been quietly visiting wounded warriors on a regular basis, with no media at all, and nobody knew about it except those involved.
It’s one thing to inspire others to volunteer. It’s quite another to say, “I do this, I do that, I’m always here, I’m always there, I’m busting my gut to give selflessly, while the lazy, selfish conservatives never do anything ….”
That’s moral preening combined with an unsupported and unsupportable generalization.
katzemeow Says:
November 7, 2010 at 1:03 am
Some of this research was summed up in the book: “Who Really Cares” by Arthur C Brooks.
Ten Says:
November 7, 2010 at 12:04 pm
Agreed ….. and as Kevin knows this (it’s been a discussion here before), my suspicion now is that this site has been hacked.
Risawn Says:
November 7, 2010 at 1:01 am
I couldn’t think of a better organization to donate your time and money too. The troops really appreciate it, trust me.
Though in truth, a lot of conservatives do volunteer, and when they don’t perhaps have time too, they do tend to donate to charities. Maybe not all, but a lot do. As mentioned earlier in the comments, some people just don’t talk about it.
WaltzingMtilda Says:
November 7, 2010 at 1:09 am
Yay! Drama on the HB!
Too soon?
*looks around*
katzemeow Says:
November 7, 2010 at 1:31 am
Wow, this came across very poorly. May I suggest maybe an action alert or thread for suggestions for ways to help others over the holiday season (or better yet year round) instead?
Hillbuzz Says:
November 7, 2010 at 1:39 am
Shame on you.
Please list what you do for USO or other charities.
I am waiting.
Pat P Says:
November 7, 2010 at 1:43 am
Kevin, are you drunk?
Hillbuzz Says:
November 7, 2010 at 2:47 am
Why haven’t you listed what you do instead of volunteering for the USO at the holidays?
I am waiting.
I have not had a drink since Pride in June, honey.
You want to call me drunk for calling out conservative laziness. So be it.
Still want to know why you sit on your butt all day when there is stuff to be done.
How about answering that instead of insulting me?
WaltzingMtilda Says:
November 7, 2010 at 4:34 am
As a person who is almost constantly drunk, I am offended that you are offended by someone asking if you are drunk.
Drunks are people too, you know.
chiron Says:
November 7, 2010 at 11:36 am
you need not insult others in turn. not a good showe there bucko.
katzemeow Says:
November 7, 2010 at 2:44 am
At first I was goingt to not answer, as that is only for God to ask of me, but then I decided otherwise. I do already support the USO – and have for years (the nearest office to me is too far to work at.) From my home have made burial kits (hand made caps, clothes and keepsakes) for stillborn and premie children born to families unable to pay for burial. I have made winter caps, coats, and dresses for others who can’t afford for themselves. I have made quilts, basic necessity kits (toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, etc….) for those who can’t afford it. I help with toy drives, school supply drives. I’ve worked in orphanagencies, cooking, cleaning and caring for abandoned children. I give to St Jude’s; The Salvation Army; 3 of my area hospitals; I have worked food banks, homeless shelters. I have been doing work like this since I was 12; I am now 35 and have my children do this sort of work too. I was raised to help others, and I raise my own children to do the same.
Again I will say, quite honestly it’s none of your business. God already knows my deeds and that is enough for me.
Hillbuzz Says:
November 7, 2010 at 2:55 am
It is our business.
You claim to come here and care about what happens to this country but can’t get off your butt and work hard for it.
Shame on you.
katzemeow Says:
November 7, 2010 at 3:02 am
Wow, your not even reading – just trolling to cause trouble.
Hillbuzz Says:
November 7, 2010 at 3:36 am
Why can’t you find one day a month to do something for our troops?
One day a month.
Hillbuzz Says:
November 7, 2010 at 1:45 am
What are you cutrently doing to help the USO or other charities?
Please list.
Put your indigantion at being challenged where your mouths are.
What have you done and what are you doing?
liberty Says:
November 7, 2010 at 2:00 am
I have already said that I have been volunteering with the USO for a decade. Often I have been there for 40 hours in a week – in addition to my full time job. I could tell you stories for the ‘front lines’ of the USO that would make you cry and laugh.
Even so I find this thread to be pretty insulting.
In the last 10 years I have not been with my family or friends for Thanksgiving ONCE because I spend that day with the USO. I LOVE it and am glad to do it. However, I don’t do it for your approval.
I also volunteer with a homeless shelter, a food pantry and an organization for mentally handicapped adults. Not really things I do in order to tell others about them.
Now that you know that how will you respond to the fact that I think you are being intentionally insulting to others with this thread. Who are you to demand that others justify their volunteer work to you?
katzemeow Says:
November 7, 2010 at 2:45 am
I agree with your final thought completely. Someone is trying to pick a fight I think.
Hillbuzz Says:
November 7, 2010 at 2:58 am
Still waiting to hear what you do to get off your butt and physically do something for America.
Please list in detail here.
If you aren’t volunteering for the USO what ARE you doing?
Please tell us.
katzemeow Says:
November 7, 2010 at 3:04 am
Did – it’s listed above. Trolling tonight are we?
Hillbuzz Says:
November 7, 2010 at 3:15 am
Why cant you find one day a month to do something for the USO?
One day a month?
Hillbuzz Says:
November 7, 2010 at 1:48 am
Whay are you physically doing for the USO?
Please answer.
Pat P Says:
November 7, 2010 at 1:49 am
Are you trying to drive conservatives away by being intentionally offensive?
Who died and made you God?
Hillbuzz Says:
November 7, 2010 at 2:51 am
Pat – you still have not answered what you physically commit yourself to in terms of charity like the USO.
Why cant you find one day a month to volunteer?
Please explain why you can’t do this.
Dying to know.
Pat P Says:
November 7, 2010 at 10:22 am
You will never know. Not with this attitude.
California granny Says:
November 7, 2010 at 12:22 pm
Hillbuzzers … ask yourselves: Did Kevin’s typing and spelling abilities go all to hell overnight? Far too many typos for a typical Kevin post.
Hillbuzz Says:
November 7, 2010 at 3:10 am
I am reading.
Still not seeing what you are volunteering to USO or other charities for holidays.
Please list here.
Ten Says:
November 7, 2010 at 12:10 pm
HB has been hacked. This is SO not like any of the boyz.
WaltzingMtilda Says:
November 7, 2010 at 3:58 am
I personally, have done nothing for the USO. Quite frankly I didn’t know you could still do anything besides send money. When the Afghanistan war started I looked into volunteering and maybe I looked in the wrong place but it seemed that all support opportunities were via donations.
That being said, I think a lot of people have mentioned what they do. Might not be for the USO but they still doin’.
What crawled up your ass tonight?
WaltzingMtilda Says:
November 7, 2010 at 4:04 am
Maybe that last line was a bit much. Iz late and I’m having one of those can’t sleep nights.
Hillbuzz Says:
November 7, 2010 at 4:42 am
What are you doing for charity in November and December?
Please spell out how you are getting off your butt.
WaltzingMtilda Says:
November 7, 2010 at 4:53 am
Well, since you asked so politely…I am going to look around and find something awful that no one else wants to do. It will probably involve toilets.
I’ll keep you posted.
You guyz are assholes ( I trust you know I say that with love but you never know with the Internets).
Also? We drink Coke around here, not that pepsi.
Michael F. Says:
November 7, 2010 at 1:58 pm
That is the snottiest comment ever to come out of your word processor. And not the first in this line of rabble-rousing rhetoric lately. You’ve insulted me and probably most of the commenters. Until you apologize or offer a reasonable explanation, such as a hack, I’ll be reading elswhere.
the friendly grizzly Says:
November 7, 2010 at 6:02 am
The only way I would EVER volunteer for the USO is if the USO branch still serves the needs of SINGLE servicemen, its original purpose.
Unless they have changed back, the USO now stiff-arms single servicemen and uses their funding for such things as providing daycare and other “family services”.
the friendly grizzly Says:
November 7, 2010 at 6:03 am
The only way I would EVER volunteer for the USO is if the USO branch still serves the needs of SINGLE servicemen, its original purpose.
Unless they have changed back, the USO now stiff-arms single servicemen and uses their funding for such things as providing daycare and other “family services”.
Call me cold-hearted all you want, but the single serviceman needs a place to go and someone to talk with darn sight more than those with wives or husbands.
a.marie Says:
November 7, 2010 at 6:20 am
heres a link for the programs that need people at the USO
a.marie Says:
November 7, 2010 at 6:35 am
I think that link went to the services they offer, not necessarily the volunteer opportunities, but it is somewhere on that link.
a.marie Says:
November 7, 2010 at 6:38 am
There is another great way to volunteer and that is at the VA. Me and my friendf worked up at the VA in art therapy. Some of the guys are disabled so you go and get them off the ward and bring them to art, and help them make their projects. It is very rewarding. You just get a TB test to make sure you are well, and then you go once a week or what you can do, and it is one of the best things to do. Truly. I just emailed USO near here for holiday volunteering—The USO isnt everywhere but the VA hospital can always use people to help.
longsufferingtribefan Says:
November 7, 2010 at 6:50 am
Great idea!
We don’t have a VA hospital here in St. George UT (we don’t have anything here except red mountains. lol) but we DO have an outpatient clinic I never knew about.
It’s like two or three blocks from my place! woohoo
longsufferingtribefan Says:
November 7, 2010 at 6:51 am
I meant to include:
“I never knew about it until you mentioned the VA!”
longsufferingtribefan Says:
November 7, 2010 at 7:19 am
This is a bad place for you to be going, dear. I know your heart is in the right place. But you are assuming facts that are not in evidence.
You are confusing POLITICAL volunteering with CHARITIBLE volunteering; but these things are not twins. Because you don’t see enough conservatives battling tooth and nail for political goals, you assume they are also neglecting their cheritible goals. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, is often our charitible activities as well as our personal family responsibilities that PREVENT us from making the political impact we would like.
We all have the same 24 hrs in a day. Some of us are too busy taking care of our children (and NO, no Buffy’s ballet lessons), and elderly relatives, right along with our jobs, and fulfill our commitment to church & charity. This leaves little or no time for political things. You are confusing the two issues. Keep this in mind, my friend, it is not people from that you serve with at the USO. Those are conservatives you’re hanging with at the USO. You know, the same people you came here to insult tonight.
The good news is that, at least for me (since I’ve been reading here since the Feb primaries) is this: You’ve engendered enough goodwill with me that I’m gonna conclude to hit your head on something. Maybe when Bast tossed a banana peel to the trash, his aim was off, and it landed on the step and you tripped on it. Caused a dent in your head or something. Because the mean & aggressive badgering and attacking of your posters is out of character. It’s not cool, and it’s not right.
Finally, due to your good works, you’ve gained a LOT of new readers in the last month. The toxic rants you have made to your posters tonight…that’s NO WAY to convince them to stick around. You’re undermining the Hillbuzz cause. You insulted someone who LOST someone in battle, do you realize that?
To quote our girl Sarah, I suggest you “man up” and say that you just got carried away. And apologize.
Because you’re from Cleveland, like I am…and you’re better than this, hon.
longsufferingtribefan Says:
November 7, 2010 at 7:45 am
And I just went back and re-read your original post, I must ask…have you lost your mind?
Either you have reverted back to the left or you have taken leave of your senses. Honest to God.
Exactly who is it that you think staffs the food banks, the volunteer ranks in hospitals, the second hand stores? Liberals?
Then you, my friend, do not understand the fundamental differences between our philosophies.
Liberals believe in good deeds, provided they come via confiscating money via the tax code. Call it “forced charity.”
Conservatives believe in good deeds, too. But privately, without fanfare or credit. It is untoward and gauche to seek accolades for these things, to a conservative.
Until tonight, I was able to live a long time without telling others that I cared for three elderly people (who were alone) until the day they died. Everything. Three meals a day, cleaning, hygiene, companionship. Same as you do for your AIDS patients. Not one of these people were related to me. I never felt the need to announce that I go to Dixie Care & Share every week to work in the food pantry. (There is no Salvation Army here in St. George, this is our substitute.) These things were between me & God.
This was not your finest hour, I’m afraid.
Ten Says:
November 7, 2010 at 12:14 pm
The more I read this thread the more I’m convinced HB has been hacked ……. by someone who has paid attention to how Kevin writes and what is important to him. This just isn’t him.
longsufferingtribefan Says:
November 7, 2010 at 7:56 am
Finally, you owe the poster shelby68 a DIRECT and sincere apology. On a separate post, where it deserves to be.
Because if you are the USO volunteer you claim to be, you know what the term “ultimate sacrifice” means.
She lost someone, and yet, you berated her.
Lola LB Says:
November 7, 2010 at 7:58 am
Keep in mind that that there are more people than just Kevin DuJan posting here on Hillbuzz. Only Kevin has come out publicly here.
saintseester Says:
November 7, 2010 at 8:00 am
Yesterday, I took my son to work in CASA garden (Care Assurance System for the Aging and homebound). Their mission is to grow community crops to ensure that elderly folks in need get regular deliveries of fresh produce.
It was 33 degrees when we arrived in the morning. We dug up old okra (those are big plants), eggplants, and raked a field to get it ready for plowing. Then we fixed an old fence and created barriers to keep critters out of the gardens.
I asked my son how he felt about the work. He said he was really sore, but it felt good to do something that he knew other people can’t do for themselves.
saintseester Says:
November 7, 2010 at 8:06 am
PS – here’s another great way to give back to service men and women at Thanksgiving. We live near an army facility. The elementary school in the neighborhood coordinates the “adoption” of service men and women for Thanksgiving. A friend of mine hosts 2 or 3 service men every year, and invites us all to come pitch in, cook, and spend time with them.
Think about how lonely it might be for a young man or woman, away from home for the holidays. I know we aren’t their family, but they always seem to really appreciate the day.
See if there is a program near you. This is the link to the one we work through:
Violet Says:
November 7, 2010 at 8:07 am
Kevin, I’m mostly a lurker. I find that your commenters are brilliant people who have almost always said what I wanted to say, but more eloquently. You are right, in my case, I could volunteer more. I will take myself down to the VA and start volunteering after work. I will also look for opportunities at the USO. I mostly volunteer for animal charities; it’s time I did something for people, too. Thank you for the reminder.
We don’t know each other personally, but I’ve been a reader for years, and I’m worried about you. There is a tone of strain and suffering in this post, and it is spilling onto your adoring fans. I know you don’t mean to alienate longtime readers. I know you only mean to motivate; but you sound worn down and disillusioned, and as a result, it seems like you are lashing out at the wrong people. I hope you take some time out for self-care this week (eat well, sleep well, pray/meditate, maybe a massage); we are a better help to others when we take good care of ourselves. You are loved, Kevin. I hope you feel better soon.
Violet Says:
November 7, 2010 at 8:25 am
As Lola pointed out above, this may not have been posted by Kevin. Apologies for any incorrect assumptions I have made here.
Bijou Says:
November 7, 2010 at 8:44 am
Thank you, Violet. You articulated what I was wondering.
If those cruel attacks truly came from Kevin and not some aliens who invaded Buzzquarters, then I think something is really wrong.
It sounds very much like some kind of ‘breakdown’ is in progress.
Very worrying.
(This thread should be taken down. It really makes the Boyz look bad.)
And please don’t ask me what I am doing for the USO. I don’t live in the US, therefore there IS no USO.
However, I spend a lot of time working with the Royal Canadian Legion, helping the families of the few remaining WWII veterans.
Thursday, November 11, is Remembrance Day here.
‘Lest we forget’.
Susan Says:
November 7, 2010 at 8:29 am
Oh come now, love you dearly however the USO isn’t the only game in town darling so lay off over-blowing condescension.
Maybe, just maybe, a whole lot of the Conservative ‘church people’ have been fully engaged for almost a decade helping our miltary through:
Any Soldier
Soldier’s Angels
Adopt A Platoon
The great thing about these organizations is that one can directly reach the troops rather than go through a massive government bureaucracy (not that the USO doesn’t serve an important service)
Happy Holidays (and Merry Christmas) to one and all.
Violet Says:
November 7, 2010 at 8:54 am
Thanks for the reminder about Adopt-a-Platoon! I’m going to suggest this for our Office Charity this Christmas. I’ve worked with them before, and they’re a great group. Tip for care packages for troops: my brother especially loved it when we sent albacore steaks (no refrigeration needed, easy to find room for them with your gear, waaay tastier than MREs).
AttilasDaughter Says:
November 7, 2010 at 9:30 am
this reminds me of an experience at work.
A co-worker offered to cook something for a meeting.
During the meeting she would complain that nobody else cooked something too.
And later she complained that she wasn’t praised more for her effort.
To me it looked like she thought her voluntary effort entitlled her to complain and be offensive.
Lisette Says:
November 7, 2010 at 9:30 am
I think this is a fair point – could have been phrased better, but it’s valid. Typing on the interwebs is not enough – people do need to get off their backsides.
This was posted by *Hillbuzz*, so questioning Kevin’s mental health is passive aggressive, unfair and completely irrelevent. And there’s not much more snark in this post than I’ve seen before.
*However*, asking people to list things from their personal lives and charity work is a bit much. I think that’s the response that got up people noses.
Pat P Says:
November 7, 2010 at 10:27 am
That’s it Lisette. That and the fact that he didn’t seem to read the posts from people who DID list what they do to volunteer.
jimbojimmierayjimbob Says:
November 7, 2010 at 9:41 am
Just started the day with my usual HB fix, and well, this is not the HB that I’ve been bragging to all my friends about.
I do nothing for the USO. Not because it’s not a worthy charity, but because it’s only one of a plethora of worthy charities and I have just simply chosen others.
I’m tempted to list all the charities that I spend time AND money with, and challenge HB in the same vein that you’ve so arrogantly challenged others today.
But, that’s not how I’m wired.
I can’t wait to read HB’s profuse apology so we can all move on.
Grace and forgiveness is another trait that you’ll find in abundance in conservative circles.
Bev Says:
November 7, 2010 at 9:52 am
Okay people.
Read the thread title. Go back and delete all the posts that do not apply to the question of the title of the thread. They are asking a specific question…
I volunteer for senior citizens and local veterans. We have many vets in our area thanks to the U.S. Army 101st Airborne. I do send money donations to the USO in Okinawa because we lived in Japan in the 80s and I have a special place in my heart for them. We have thousands and thousands of Marines in Japan and I do send donations for them because of all the services, believe it or not, the Marines are the smallest and least supported. I worked as a volunteer at the USO in Okinawa for 4 years and to this day keep in touch with those friends.
If you do not have a USO in your area then find one online. Bill O’Reilly also does a LOT of charitable work for the USO so his website would also be a good resource of information.
Gary Senise does MAJOR USO work…his website and FB site is a good source of information for donations and support.
Even sending a Christmas card or a Thanksgiving card or Thank You card to a USO overseas is worth the time if you have no money or time to give. When you are alone overseas the USO is a very, very comforting place. It’s home.
jimbojimmierayjimbob Says:
November 7, 2010 at 10:10 am
Yes, the title was innocuous enough, but the subsequent badgering was not. Sorry, but HB’s tone and content carries much more weight.
GracieD Says:
November 7, 2010 at 10:17 am
Well said, Bev. You said it much better than I could.
Wraith Says:
November 7, 2010 at 9:56 am
Did some Soros operative hack into HillBuzz? This is completely out of character and blatant trolling.
Somethin’ ain’t right here.
Ex-ExZonie Says:
November 7, 2010 at 12:11 pm
I don’t know what went wrong here. Just because it never occurred to us to volunteer or donate to a specific charity doesn’t justify the badgering tone. Look at the responses I got above when trying to be supportive.
I have a feeling someone is going to reread this later and wonder what he was thinking. Sheesh.
GracieD Says:
November 7, 2010 at 10:13 am
Call me crazy, but I did not take it like the majority appeared to take it. I took it as one of those “if it applies to you, do something about it, if not, carry on”. As the niece of a deceased WWII POW, military orgs are dear to my heart. I support Soldier’s Angels, I send care packages to FOBs in Afghanistan, and I make monetary contributions to the USO. The local org here would prefer money, as they have the volunteer staffing covered. In reading this post, I simply took a look at what I do, and determined that this post did not apply to me. I fully understand those who feel that “advertising” what they do for charity is not in their nature. My faith teaches that you do for others not seeking praise, but in order to show God’s love to your fellow man. Again, if it applies to you OK, if not, good on you, and keep up the good work. Love to all of my fellow buzzers!
AFinch Says:
November 7, 2010 at 10:31 am
Yep, that was exactly how I took it. Right up until I read the comments to shelby68. Then I concluded that someone other than Kevin is posting.
Bev Says:
November 7, 2010 at 10:47 am
AFinch…Who is shelby68? Do you know that poster more than you know Kevin? I don’t.
As a military wife who has known more than my share of widows…I don’t know a single person who would go on this thread and insult the USO for any reason whatsoever and I certainly would not imply that because my spouse died I didn’t owe anything to my country. THAT…is insulting.
AFinch Says:
November 7, 2010 at 10:57 am
I don’t know shelby68. In fact, I don’t know any of the posters on this site. But I certainly do not insult them gratuitously.
I feel like I do know Kevin, which is why I have said from the beginning that he is not the poster here.
I don’t read anything in shelby68′s comments that are insulting to the USO or that state she doesn’t owe her COUNTRY anything. She said her family’s debt to the GOVERNMENT and the MILITARY are paid in full. Other posters said far worse but got no reaction from HB or anyone else.
I cannot begin to comprehend the grief that must fall to those who have lost loved ones in the military. Therefore, I will not judge how they choose to cope — even on an anonymous internet board.
Kathleen Says:
November 7, 2010 at 11:35 am
That’s how I took it too, GracieD. “If this applies to you, get off your butt.”
With the strain Kevin has been under for the past 2+ years, and the countless unpaid hours he has put in to help protect America, I’m perfectly able to cut him some slack. In a very real sense, Kevin has also given his life for his country.
Personally, I donate my services to several causes I believe in. My parents are retired and have downsized, so for Christmas, they prefer donations to charities they support instead of “more stuff.” This year I’ll include the USO (again) and Honor Flight.
Honor Flight is a wonderful organization that flies WWII veterans to see their memorial in Washington, DC at no charge. Check them out:
housemom1952 Says:
November 7, 2010 at 11:08 am
I am active with the Wounded Warrior’s Project. Currently we are promoting Warrior’s To Work. Helping find jobs and training our Wounded Warriors.
That said I must ask…Kevin…is that really you?
chiron Says:
November 7, 2010 at 11:39 am
what self respecting gay man would use the word “fag” to make a point?
foxyladi14 Says:
November 7, 2010 at 11:40 am
I support the U.S.O. and as many other Veteran originations as I can on my limited budget.
physically not much as I am home bound and on oxygen. :(
Ten Says:
November 7, 2010 at 12:08 pm
So I read this post and my first reaction is anger and indignation. You don’t know me, you don’t know what I do, you don’t know what any conservative I know does. Who the hell are you to tell us our contributions don’t count because we aren’t cleaning toilets for shut ins and doing something at the USO?
Then I started reading the rest of the thread, specifically the HB replies.
HB’s responses are very NOT HB. Argumentative, demanding lists of what we do? Are you serious?
CONCLUSION: HB has been hacked. I guess the attack ad folks from the election are bored after losing and couldn’t come up with anything better to do than start hacking sites that helped get conservative candidates elected.
How sad.
CTmom Says:
November 7, 2010 at 12:35 pm
Has anyone here paid attention to when HB usually posts? I noticed that most of HB’s comments to the bloggers comments are after midnight, many towards 3:00 a.m. Is this odd?
Perhaps you are right about HB being hacked. If the site was hacked, Kevin will tell us in due time.
Does it feel like an Alinsky tactic to get us all riled up with Kevin and with each other?
Maybe Kevin is taking things up a notch. If he was in a mood to prod us BIG TIME, he certainly prodded.
If so, I’m not sure this is the best method.
My first concern is that Kevin is OK. My second concern is that I have told so many people about how wonderful HB is and this post seems so out of character that I fear newcomers may be turned off.
I suggest we just pray for HB.
Freee4Now Says:
November 7, 2010 at 1:25 pm
I think this a hacker (Popcorn-type of person) has breached the site. The spelling is awful, the grammar more so and it would definitely be a tactic which would be used to turn people against Hillbuzz. Remember what we’ve been told, particularly by Kevin; the leftists will do anything, and I use that word advisedly, to take him down. In their eyes, he is a traitor on so many levels.
This appears to be a vitriolic mimic of the boyz asking where the ground reports were. Those, by contrast, were never rude or abrasive.
Someone with internet security knowledge, please offer your services to the boyz. I think they need it.
Ten Says:
November 7, 2010 at 2:09 pm
This appears to be a vitriolic mimic of the boyz asking where the ground reports were. Those, by contrast, were never rude or abrasive.
Yep ….. this was the tip off to me. On the heels of all the hard word of the election, this is just way out of character.
Erin Says:
November 7, 2010 at 12:12 pm
After the first time you guys mentioned volunteering for the USO, I checked out our local USO (at Reagan National Airport), and signed up as a volunteer. Ever since I’ve volunteered in the airport lounge twice a month – and i LOVE it. I meet the most amazing people, and have a great time doing it. So, thanks for bringing it up all the time. It really is a fabulous organization!
Sundance Cracker Says:
November 7, 2010 at 12:34 pm
Something is SERIOUSLY wrong with the entire “sentiment” of this thread. I am 95% certain this is not Kevin Dujan, but totally disconcerted about what this is about.
Before I respond with any emotional vitriol, which at this point is palpable, I will instead choose caution and grant the benefit of the doubt and question the source of origination. The recent publicity and influence of Hillbuzz ‘may have’ attracted some kind of leftist hacker, or an emotional fracture within Buzzquarters crew may have led to a concerted effort at destroying this community of kindness, compassion and understanding.
But a rapid, explanation is needed quickly to clear up the confusion. If this is indeed a new confrontational direction or strategic positioning of Hillbuzz I would like to know. I have contributed from the heart, and supported from my wallet, and I simply request some clarification. Please.
Someone at Buzzquarters” has some splaining to do. RIGHT QUICK I humbly request.
Kevin? You out there?
Michael F. Says:
November 7, 2010 at 2:11 pm
Well, SC, something got broke. I don’t know whether the poster had a psychological crack-up, or whether the site was hacked, but I can see that a lot of illusions of community have been shattered. Trust is a delicate thing; once broken it can’t be repaired.
I for one will be elswhere….
g8rmom7 Says:
November 7, 2010 at 3:54 pm
Thank for putting this way better than I would have. I totally concur Sundance. Something is up. I have had too many experiences where people just don’t like the power of certain people and have to find ways to break them (and their site) down. I fear that something is up.
And whoever did it is smart in that they obviously read the site. Kevin HAS often commented about being too busy with your kids as an excuse to not volunteer, but never in such a mean-sprited way. Again, not as much in the orginal post but in the follow-ups.
Something stinks. Bev, you are usually able to fish out the trolls…what say you?
teddrunk Says:
November 7, 2010 at 1:59 pm
Yikes? Little Green Football Syndrome?
mary quite-contrary Says:
November 7, 2010 at 2:19 pm
Like many other longtime Buzzerz, I too am of the opinion that the author of THIS ‘HillBuzz’ thread is either one of the author’s posting capacity has been hacked or a stolen password; or WP dashboard left ‘on.’
This isn’t the syntax or rhythm of a Kevin post; or of any of the other regular authors.
Everyone from Rush to Breitbart has quoted our hosts recently, so a lot of attention has come to this site…and and a lot it, I am sure, from the unglued Left.
I remember Kevin and the Boyz daily (along with others ‘out’ in the public speaking the truth–like Gov. Palin and Glenn Beck) in my prayers. A lot of likeminded people have placed themselves in a lot of risky places (personally and professionally) to affect the changes that came with last week’s midterm.
I am sending prayers right now that K and all are well, and that some troublemaking, popcornesque ‘Kernall’ is found to have hacked here.
We might be well served to look over at the repositories of the usual suspects (the DUmp; Kos; etc, to see who is cyber high fiving over HB troubles).
Sundance Cracker Says:
November 7, 2010 at 2:39 pm
MQC, good point and great idea.. I’m off to the ground of the goblins to see if I can find them back slapping eachother.
MaryJane Says:
November 7, 2010 at 2:25 pm
This has happened before. ‘Someone’ has been posting a lot about conservatives being lazy, having to put their Pepsi down and get off the couch. I find it offensive each time I read it.
I’ve also noticed argumentative responses to posts written by long-time Buzzers. Several people responded to one such occasions a few weeks ago – I was one of them – and the next morning the entire thread was removed. At that time I said goodbye to Hillbuzz as a poster but still read. Until today.
I’m surprised this thread one is still here.
palinpatriot Says:
November 7, 2010 at 2:54 pm
Wow, I cannot believe this is Kevin. After he sent such a gracious and wonderful letter/piost to us all thanking us for all we have done, then posts this?
I do not believe this is the same person. This can’t be. Kevin can be hard on people, but whoever wrote this is downright insulting. I have never seen Kevin like this.
I have just sent a few people over here to take a look at the site hoping they will be future Hillbuzzers and commenters. I really hope they did not see this post. It is just so out of character. I am feeling totally dejected today after feeling happy (and exhausted) after devoting all my time and money in the past couple months to campaigns. I am speechless.
Kathleen Says:
November 7, 2010 at 3:04 pm
Jeeeeze Louise….
After 2+ years of relentless, daily, career-ending, relationship-ending attacks from leftists intent on destroying him, I think Kevin is entitled to a rant or a vent or whatever this is.
Hillbuzz has kept me SANE for two years, totally FREE OF CHARGE, not to mention helping support some wonderful candidates, and bring America-loving people together in a great community.
This is Kevin’s house, and if you can’t accept that he’s human, and fallible, then perhaps this isn’t the right blog for you to read.
You can still love and respect someone and not agree with them 100%. Great people have bad days.
I agree with the sentiment–it’s a good thing to ask people–especially on the InterWebs where there are a lot more talkers than doers–what specifically they have DONE to make a difference.
It’s a shame that Kevin hasn’t spent enough of his life around conservatives and libertarians to know that we’re far more generous to good causes–with our time and money–than liberals are. I’m sure he’ll soon realize that.
And that unlike the Obummers, people like George and Laura Bush (and most conservatives) do their donating and volunteering out of the limelight and without any fanfare (or even thanks.) We do it because it makes us feel good in and of itself.
Please, everyone, accept that we all make mistakes and it’s really, really easy to misread intent online.
Let’s all cut each other some slack and remember that we have bigger fish to fry.
Let’s not cut off our noses to spite our face.
g8rmom7 Says:
November 7, 2010 at 3:59 pm
You guys we need to stick together…this is obviously an attempt to break us all up. Maybe HB has gotten TOO big and Kevin and team want to purposely drive some of us away? Doubtful.
Not sure what is going on, but I will continue to check in and pray that all is okay at Buzzquarters.
teddrunk Says:
November 7, 2010 at 4:09 pm
Wow, I got thrown off and I wrote something very supportive.
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