Reference Pages

Saturday, November 8, 2008


if you happen to want to know

Awwww. It's a boy! The vast conspiracy to make Indonesian/Kenyan/Krypton-born Barack Obama the leader of the Free World has to be admired for its foresight. From comes this little extra: a birth announcement, found by an unhappy Hillary supporter, placed in a Honolulu newspaper in 1961.

No comment from the assorted borderline personalities who have made it their urgent mission to prove Obama is not a native-born American and so derail his presidency. There are still lawsuits being pressed by Philip Berg, and the PUMAs are relying on one Edwin Veira, a fine representative of the legal profession who insists that Obama stand up and produce his birth certificate (a description of which, along with photos of the birth certificate being held by staffers is available at that non-partisan site) or step down from the office he has been running for for the last two years.


  1. You seriously have to wonder if it isn't something in the water these people drink? ;P

  2. Water.....or perhaps a tasty grape-flavored beverage?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Sorry for the spam - I started to comment here and then saw you had commented over at my blog and I just go overexcited and couldn't decide where to respond! LOL! (I sound so pathetic, don't I? I'm really not as bad as all that.)

  5. Sorry for the delay - I got so overexcited at having comments I had to lie down with a wet cloth on my forehead for a week!

    Now who sounds pathetic? And I am that bad. And worse.

  6. Clearly the Obama team secretly perfected a time machine, which they used to plant this birth announcement, and now they're selfishly hiding their scientific breakthrough from the rest of the world.

  7. Horrid selfish Obots! I want to see the Great Lisbon Earthquake for myself! How do we know it really happened?
