Reference Pages

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

A Bite Out of Crime

Mired in the Spitzer media mudflow was this little item: CNN apologised for using as one of its analysts a former Attorney General, Mr. Kendall Coffey, who had once bitten a stripper. He bit her on the arm. Then he resigned. I haven't Googled the story to see if his wife stood beside him, but I assume she did. For the children. And because the first 24 hours of shock are the best time to manipulate the stupefied spouse into self-humiliation.

CNN obviously doesn't know an asset when it has one. Who better to comment on Spitzer than former Attorney General Mr. Been-There-Done-That? It might give Eliot Spitzer reason to hope that someday he too can be a CNN analyst, perhaps to analyse the sudden downfall of, say, Joe Bruno's grandson.

Is everybody braced for the inevitable march of the Spitzer hookers? An interview with the Daily News, a segment giving a whole new meaning to Dateline, a Judith Regan book deal, including skincare tips and lifestyle hints, with recipes for low fat aphrodisiacs.

Meanwhile, champagne corks are popping all over Wall Street. This really frosts me; the enemies of Eliot Spitzer, apart from his own hormones, were and are in the main genuinely rotten, greedy bastards who robbed shareholders and employees and ruined some of them. They deserved to be taken down, and we in New York LOVED that particular strength of Mr. Spitzer's.

They still did what they did. Mr. Bruno also did what HE did, which was to misuse state funds to helicopter all over the place, and no amount of distraction, or the miscreance of others, can alter that.

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